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Proven methods that will make you complete your homework

Struggling to complete homework you get everyday?

Starting today, your way of looking at tasks will change. I’ve also included the 80-20 technique, which if used with caution; will drastically change your level of success.

It’s time for you to READ YOUR OWN STORY. 
You are in your school/coaching. Your favourite teacher comes in and starts a new chapter “Newton’s Laws of Motion (NLM)”. WoW! New chapter, this is the time to forget the past, from now onwards none of my modules and DPP’s will be left unsolved (we think this every time LOL! 😅).
Some days later, first assignment on NLM
After having a look at few questions???
“Ohhh. I’ll need to revise class notes first and solve class-illustrations afterwards. “

A few hours later...
“Glad that I completed the theory part. Even though I couldn’t complete homework, but still I now know a lot about NLM. From tomorrow onwards, I’ll not leave any assignment on this topic.”
One week later…
You – “Opps! I left some exercises in NLM, but I take pledge to complete all chapters from now onwards.”

All this happens with us, right from the day we join coaching institute.

No Worries, I am going to share with you what exactly you need to do.

Take out 30-45 minutes from your schedule every day, most importantly before your study session. What you need to do in this time is to revise whatever is taught to you in classroom today, and solve class illustrations without looking at its solution. Each time you'll get any new homework, you will be able to revise the whole chapter within a short span of time. This will ensure that you’re never left behind the competition. The more you fall behind, the more it’s difficult to get back on track.

Although it may seem very difficult to stay with the pace of course, in reality you will be putting much less efforts than you are now.
Complete your homework regularly, ask doubts in class or after class regularly. You are a Winner, you brain is so sharp that it can complete all the tasks thrown at it. There are some days when you are going to have excessive home-work.

Its called the 80-20 rule which says “80% of results come from first 20% of your work.” I want you to think about this statement one again.
80% of results come from first 20% of your work
In simple words,
1. Make a list of things you need to finish
2. Prioritize them (most important task gets first priority)
3. Try your level best to finish maximum tasks starting with top-most priority task. And then the second most important task and so on…

However, there’s a short-coming of this technique and I WARN YOU to proceed with caution. It may so happen that even when there is limited homework to do, you’ll start procrastinating. Procrastinating means to leave things for tomorrow. And every day, you’ll try to leave that part of your homework which you think to be less important but it isn’t.

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